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  • YouTube מכינת ידידיה
  • מכינת ידידיה - עמוד פייסבוק רישמי

Mechinat Yedidya (the Yedidya Pre-Military Academy) is a post-high school, pre-army program for graduates of religious high-schools from Israel and abroad.  Our program prepares young men emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and physically to be the best soldiers they can be in their upcoming service in the Israel Defense Force, to be the best citizens of the State of Israel, and to be the best people they can be for their families and – perhaps most importantly - for themselves.


Our mechina does not look for the boys who excelled in high school.  We actively search for and accept those boys who would not have gone to a preparatory program, who might have slipped through the cracks in high school, whose backgrounds and histories have led them to having low expectations of themselves.


But by the time they leave Yedidya, they have a different sense of self and of the goals they can – and do – achieve.


First and foremost, our goal is for our students to be happy and self-confident with a deep connection to Am Yisrael, the Torah, and the Land of Israel.  We teach our students to dream and to believe in their abilities to fulfill those dreams.  We provide tools for our students to develop their character while instilling a deep desire to contribute their best to the State of Israel and to the Israel Defense Force.


Our students develop a close relationship with their rabbis and counselors in Mechinat Yedidya.  This is the crux of everything that takes place at the mechina.  The rabbis and counselors serve as teachers, mentors, role-models, and even life coaches.  And these relationships continue long after the student has left the mechina…


Our students also take a course at the Azrieli College, given by business people and economists, on business initiatives and personal empowerment.  This provides them with initial tools for setting up businesses in the future.  


We strongly believe that the integration of “derech eretz” (decency) and Torah instilled in our students is the recipe for building their character.  


The mechina directs its students toward significant army service.  They are drafted into elite units, becoming commanders and leaders wherever they go.  


Mechinat Yedidya, established in 2011, is recognized and funded by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Defense.

Our Vision

Strength with Derech Eretz (Decency)


“Today, when I face my soldiers and have military or educational deliberations, I think – What would my educators in the mechina say? It is clear to me that without the mechina, I would not have developed and reached where I am today.”


“Getting into this elite unit and the actual ability to complete the training with a smile and with faith is all thanks to the mechina.”

“I learned to believe in myself, to overcome challenges, to continue forward and not give up.  If you fall – get up, try again, don’t give up.  Believe in yourself completely.”

סמ"ר טוביה ינאי ויסמן ז"ל
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